For extensive information on plastic, how it gets into the oceans, what happens to it in the oceans, how plastic debris is hurting, poisoning, and killing marine animals through entanglement and ingestion, go to: This PowerPoint presentation covers the following: About plastic and plastic in the oceans What is plastic? What is…
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To learn more about why our oceans are so important, go to: This PowerPoint presentation contains the following information: What the oceans provide: food, jobs, transportation, water, recreation, wildlife, weather and climate control, oxygen Three key human-induced factors are making the oceans sick: overfishing, climate change, and marine pollution
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A brief description of plastic and plastic in the oceans. For more detailed information see The Impacts of Plastic Debris. Every year over 8 million tons of plastic is entering the oceans from the land – that’s the equivalent of 16 grocery bags filled with plastic going into the ocean along every meter of coastline…
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